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Tennessee Office Breakroom Healthy Snacks

Healthy Options

Healthy, Organic, Better For You

Webb's clients have a way to introduce or maintain a wellness program at their location

Healthy Made Simple

Rob Webb decided one day that he wanted to provide healthy snacks for the Webb's Refreshments team. In addition to water, juices & light snacks he wanted fruit as well. So bananas were brought in from the grocery store. The healthy snacks were so popular that we wanted to bring that same experience to our customers. Now you can order fresh bananas in addition to the variety of healthy snacks and drinks for your office.

Nutritious, delicious, and just plain better for you. It doesn’t have to be difficult to introduce healthier snacks to your workplace. Because no single program can meet all those needs, we have partnered with several wellness initiatives in the industry to offer the widest array of health options possible.

Our offerings are based on the recommendations of the:
  • American Heart Association
  • USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans
  • Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Smart Snacking Tips
  • Top off your fuel tank several times a day with snacks; you’ll feel energized and satisfied throughout the day.
  • Focus on fiber and protein. Choose cereal bars or granola bars with a little protein (check the Nutrition Facts) and some fiber to help keep you full longer.
  • Pretzels or baked chips are a great low-fat, low-calorie way to satisfy the mid-day munchies.
  • Choose fruits, vegetables and salads, pre-packaged and ready-to-eat. They are high on nutrition, crunchy, convenient, and great tasting.
  • For a snack that is high in protein and calcium reach for a carton of low-fat milk or yogurt.
  • It's unrealistic to give up sweet treats if you really enjoy them. Like anything else, eat them "smartly" and in moderation.
  • Craving cookies? Animal crackers, fig bars, pop tarts or graham crackers are great tasting lower fat choices. Pair these with low-fat milk, a protein-rich food, and you’ve satisfied that craving.
  • Go nuts. Choose a package of peanuts, almonds, or other favorite nuts. They come packed with protein and fiber.
  • Don't confuse thirst with hunger. Keep a water bottle handy.
  • Variety, balance and moderation are important when eating snacks.